Experiencing God’s Amazing Grace and Glory by Relating with Him through the Lord’s Feast of Pentecost


Shavuot, also known as the Feast of Pentecost, gives a visual aid of the fullness of God’s grace and glory. God originally appointed this time to celebrate the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses. In addition, it looked forward to celebrating the fullness of God’s blessings, specifically the harvest, once in the Promised Land.

The Feast of Pentecost, therefore, represents a time marking the fullness of God’s covenant. In addition, it gives us a dose of God’s infinite wisdom, incredible love and awesome power– His glory!


On the day the disciples were celebrating the Feast of Pentecost in their customary fashion, they experienced the fresh pour of God’s love through the Holy Spirit. They experienced the glory of the Lord in a new way– through the outpouring-infilling-presence of the Holy Spirit. It, therefore, truly became a new type of love feast! The Feast of Pentecost revealed God’s glory in a big way.

The Lord brought something special to their remembrance. In His final great prayer, Messiah Yeshua-Jesus declared to the Father:

“I glorified you on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. 5 Now, Father, glorify me alongside yourself. Give me the same glory I had with you before the world existed.”  (John 17:4-5 JNT)

He knew His resurrection would glorify the Father.  Even more, He knew the release of the power of the Holy Spirit would bring great glory and honor to the Father.  So He declared to the disciples:

“Yes, indeed! I tell you that whoever trusts in me will also do the works I do! Indeed, he will do greater ones, because I am going to the Father. 13 In fact, whatever you ask for in my name, I will do; so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me for something in my name, I will do it.”  (John 14:12-14 JNT)

Why is the revelation of Pentecost so valuable? Throughout life, we experience all sorts of trials and conflict. In addition, we get to participate in the awesome things that God does as opportunities arise to serve God and people in need of God’s intervention. As we do, our character and faith are tested. So we have the opportunity to exercise trusting faith so God’s power may be displayed through us and He is glorified.

Through the process, we get to be instruments through which the life of the Holy Spirit can flow. That’s how we grow and experience the awesome love, grace and glory of God’s transforming work in us. It’s even better when we experience it with others so God’s testimony can go out and bring glory and honor to His name. It’s all part of the exciting new life of Spirit.


How can you reflect the gift of God’s word, Holy Spirit and nature in your life?

What new values has God impressed you to embrace this season?

What new vision has God imparted in you to give you greater insights?

What virtues of Christ have you received to walk in the new life in Him?

How do you see your life giving glory and honor to God?


John 15-17; Acts 2-4; Romans 8; 1 Peter 4


Vertical movement: As you embrace the reality of the glory of God, the Holy Spirit draws you deeper in God. As a result, you experience the inner strength and power of the indwelling and infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Horizontal movement: The more you experience God’s glory, the more you experience and appreciate the triumph and overcoming life of the Lord.

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